Day 6 of Thanks: Kevin Kresser

On a rooftop checking out some chillers!

On a rooftop checking out some chillers!

Kevin is another coworker of mine that I’m thankful for. He has become like a big brother to me. I probably get on his nerves like a sister does, but he’ll defend me when someone decides to pick on me.

Another friendship of mine that we are opposites in many ways. One of our coworkers says that Kevin is on the far realist side and I’m on the far idealist side. We are able to disagree and discuss why we disagree. When we work together, we can make some pretty cool things happen at work because of our differences.

Kevin has helped me learn so much about engineering and looked for opportunities for me at work so that I can grow. He is a mentor and sponsor for me. He also has been there when I’ve struggled with personal issues and always has been there to listen. He’ll do things he doesn’t want to just to put a smile on my face - like go to a workout class that he dreads or dress up for our work Halloween party so that my dorky costume makes sense.

Thanks Kevin for always being there!