Using NURVV Run to Inform My Running Form

Disclaimer: I was sent a complimentary pair of NURVV to try. I am not being paid to share my opinion. All my opinions are my own.

Years ago I went to the Spaulding National Running Center to help with my hip issues. They helped me transform my running form and get me back to running.

If you have been following my running journey, you know that I’ve been struggling with plantar fasciitis lately. I believe it was a result of running too fast and too much volume during my CIM training cycle. I took about 3 months of a break from running but couldn’t wait to get back. I’ve been building my base and listening to my body. My foot feels pretty good but will have some flair ups.

When I was contacted by NURVV to test their sensored running inserts, I was excited because I knew it could help me analyze my form much better. I always felt like I was running with a midfoot strike so thought the race photos catching me with a heel strike was just a fluke. However, after running with NURVV, it became apparent that I not only had a heel strike, but my foot strike was inconsistent between my left and right foot.

Running Health Information

The feature I’ve been mostly focusing on is running health screens.


Balance Screen (Left Image)

The balance screen tells you the level of similarity between the left and right leg. This evaluation is based on 4 key characteristics: cadence, step length, pronation and footstrike. Overall, I’m between good and average with my balance.

Footstrike Chart (Right Image)

I am in the “Great” category for all but the footstrike category where I am “bad”. The footstrike score compares the left/right foot strike and how similar they are.


Examples of My Footstrike

Below are a few examples of runs and the footstrike analysis.



I always felt like I was running with a midfoot strike so thought the race photos catching me with a heel strike was just a fluke. However, after running with NURVV, it became apparent that I not only had a heel strike, but my foot strike was inconsistent between my left and right foot.

First Long Run

Form is often sacrificed when your body gets tired or doing more intense workouts. During my first “long” run of about 7 miles, my right foot was not doing so hot.

Easy Run Focusing on Form

I’ve been trying to really focus on form during my easy runs. It felt really good to see that focusing helped and I was able to work on my form.

How do I Plan on Using this Data?

I hope to keep using the NURVV to achieve a midfoot footstrike and more consistency between my left and right foot. I guess the positive of having no races these days due to COVID is that I don’t feel as much FOMO and pressure to get back. I’m excited that I have some time to get back to my healthy running self!

Is anyone else out there using any sensors or trackers to help analyze their form?

What tips/tricks do you have about transforming your form?