Day 2 of Thanks: Melissa aka @netflixtofitchicks

Day 2 of thanks goes out to more of a virtual friend and inspiration, Melissa aka netflixtofitchicks! She posted on instagram that she was doing a fitness challenge by Madeline Moves.

I was intrigued by the challenge and needed something to inspire me, so I decided to sign up and give it a try. I didn’t complete all of the challenge, but I ended up sticking with the workout app.

Ever since I have been working from home due to COVID, I have been pretty much doing the workouts 4-5 days a week! The app has inspired me to stay consistent with lifting and working out and given me something to focus on while I can’t run high mileage.

So-Melissa-you may not have known this, but you really got me inspired and motivated through Madeline Moves. Thank you! :)
