I Tripped and Fell Running

I’ve been lucky that I’ve been able to continue running and working out through my pregnancy so far. My doctor said I could keep up with what I was doing leading up to pregnancy but not to really increase anything. I was running 3 miles about 3-4 days a week, riding the Peloton and mixing in strength workouts through the Whitney Simmons Alive app. I haven’t been doing exactly that now but have been trying to stay active while listening to my body.

The Sunday after our 12 week ultrasound, I was running and had a little mishap. I wanted to change the song I was listening to and reached down to my Apple watch to switch the song as I was running across a crosswalk. The road was uneven and I tripped and fell. I was able to land on my side and not my belly but it was quite a fall. I did some googling (because google is the best place for medical advice…just kidding of course) and I saw that it is likely that I’m fine since it’s early in the pregnancy and the uterus is pretty protected still. However, it would be a good idea to let my doctor to know just in case. I didn’t feel it was urgent so I messaged online versus a call. The next day I got a message back that they think I should come in just to make sure I was okay. I wasn’t surprised because I would think the doctor would want to be extra cautious.

I called Monday morning when they first opened at 8 am and I was able to get an appointment at 9 am. I was afraid that the nurse would tell me to stop running but she didn’t. She was really nice and said that everything is likely to be fine since the uterus is fairly well protected behind the pelvic bone at this stage of the pregnancy but it is good to double check.

She got the ultrasound machine and she commented on my nice full bladder (lesson learned from the 12 week ultrasound just a few days earlier!). She said I actually drank so much that it was really difficult to see the baby because it was so low. She also said, “This baby just won’t stop moving! But that is a good sign!” She had me go pee to see if that helped us see the Baby Vines better but the baby was still pretty low. She was able to check the heart rate which was normal and that the movement was healthy.

From now on if I want to change a song, I plan on stopping and doing so to avoid tripping. I know it will only get worse as I get bigger as my center of gravity will be shifting.

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